On March 25, 2017, Initiative member Lily McClure introduced team leaders to TRELLO, an organizing app for small groups. Her Power Points are printed below. You may also go to www.TRELLO.com for a tutorial.
4/1/2017 – United We Play in Grace Chapel
“United We Play” will feature four world class harpists, as well as other members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and Dallas Opera Orchestra. Chosen composers share a common musical response to personal persecution. The outcome is a glorious collection of repertoire that celebrates abiding love and beauty, as well as the virtuosity of its performers. The concert is free but 100% of any donations will benefit the International Rescue Committee.
International Rescue Committee’s CEO David Miliband, Medal of Freedom Winner Ambassador Ryan Crocker, & Dallas Judge Clay Jenkins speak on the refugee crisis of 2017
Contacts and Opportunities
Here is a list of organizations, contacts, and ways to help
Executive Orders to Halt Refugee Resettlement
President Trump’s recent EOs ban travelers from six Muslim-majority countries for 90 days; suspend refugee resettlement for 120 days; and reduce the number of refugees entering the United States from 110,000 to 50,000, a historic low.
Continue reading “Executive Orders to Halt Refugee Resettlement”
An invitation from UNHCR
Each day war forces thousands of families to flee their homes. People like you, people like me. To escape the violence, they leave everything behind – everything except their hopes and dreams for a safer future.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency believes that all refugees deserve to live in safety.
Add your name to the #WithRefugees petition to send a clear message to governments that they must act with solidarity and shared responsibility.
We stand together #WithRefugees. Please stand with us.
Effective Outreach Meeting – 2/23/2017
Looking for an adventure in global transformation close to home?!
Join us at 7:00 PM on February 23, 2017 in the Adult Education Room 3204 at White’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Southlake, TX. We’ll explore the kind of effective outreach that connects us to one another even as we connect to the refugees who now call Texas home.
Expect a wide array of new news, contact info, interactive access, and the joy of coordinating with people whose hearts mirror your own!
Anyone who has a talent for welcoming, teaching, equipping, advocating, demonstrating, explaining, networking, hiring, or simply befriending – whether you’re young or old – ALL are welcome!
Details and speaker series re-plays are available at http://bit.ly/StrangersInAStrangeLand
Orientation Session – From Refugee Services of Texas
Texas UMC Bishops pen open letter to the people of Texas
On February 7, 2017, Texas Bishops of the United Methodist Church posted the following letter:
Continue reading “Texas UMC Bishops pen open letter to the people of Texas”
40 Ways to Help a Refugee
These individuals have undergone tremendous difficulties and are starting over in a new country and culture. While there are organizations that help them with a place to live and may even offer basic necessities, what they need is a friend and ally who can help them acclimate. Could you:
- Be a sincere friend
- Reach out to people on the periphery
- Take a stand against intolerance
- Promote compassion and understanding
- Make a visit
- Get to know first hand what is really needed; don’t assume
- Learn about the food, holidays, and traditions of others
- Share a meal
- Celebrate a holiday together
- Invite someone to join your family night
- Teach a new skill
- Learn a new skill
- Make introductions
- Ask questions
- Exchange ideas and experiences
- Highlight strengths in other cultures
- Speak to your town council about needed services
- Forgive ofenses or misunderstandings and try again
- Shop at locally owned businesses
- Welcome new people to the neighborhood
- Volunteer to teach a language
- Defend others from bigotry
- Learn kids’ names
- Learn a sport
- Teach a sport
- Offer employment to someone unexpected
- Visit people who are ill
- Teach each other songs and jokes
- Extend an invitation to a cultural event
- Offer to babysit
- Give a ride
- Practice interviewing for a job
- Donate household goods
- Help children study
- Act as a grandma or grandpa to someone whose family is far away
- Volunteer with a local organization whose work you admire
- Be a mentor
- Find local solutions rather than relying on bureaucratic programs or funds
- Recognize that time and relationships are more valuable than things
- Don’t hesitate to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit
Download PDF: 40 Ways to Help